Handbag deals! Rather Difficult to set a benchmark

We are updating deals on handbags/backpacks. Prices of items like handbags differ a lot from one store to the other, and at times it looks very confusing. Matter of fact is that for finding lowest price deals on products like electronic gadgets, or computer accessories are more easier as you can get a solid base to compare prices, i.e., model no, make etc. But things are not so easy for items like handbags. Yesterday, when I was conducting a survey (it really takes hours) on these products, some great deals drew my attention at Amazon. But one of the reviewers suggested that the item is available for $10.00 less in another store. So, I discarded the idea of listing that deal here. However, this bag available at Amazon seems to be a better deal. If you find a store offering lower prices, please let me know. It will be included at fancy-shoppe during its next update.


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